This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

May 20

2017 May 20


   Jeremy Tatum writes:  I spent three hours this afternoon counting butterflies along the Panhandle Trail at Munn Road.  Two dozen or so Western Spring Azures, a few Cabbage Whites and Sara Orangetips, and one each of Moss’s Elfin, Cedar and Grey Hairstreaks, Painted Lady and Propertius Duskywing.  (Also a Barred Owl, Hutton’s and Cassin’s Vireos, and lots of McGillivray’s and other Warblers.)  Among the day-flying geometrid moths, unfortunately I didn’t see any Epirrhoe plebeculata, though I saw a few Mesoleuca gratulata and several Leptostales rubromarginaria.  I watched the latter for a while in case I was lucky to see one ovipositing, but I had to move on and get on with the Butterfly Count.  I’m sure if someone went there with the sole purpose of watching these tiny reddish moths for an hour or so, he or she would sooner or later advance the boundaries of knowledge by finding out what plants they lay their eggs on.


   I visited Mount Tolmie at 6:10 pm.  There was one Painted Lady basking on the reservoir, and a further three cavorting around near the Jeffery Pine.


   Jeff Gaskin writes:  Today I found a total of at least 8 Silvery Blues amongst the lupines at their usual spot at the Island Highway’s Colwood exit, right next to the Galloping Goose Trail.


   Judy Spearing sends a photograph of a caterpillar of the Silver-spotted Tiger Moth on the Ocean Spray in her garden (Bow Park area).  The usual foodplant is Douglas Fir, but they are by no means restricted to that plant, as recent photographs sent to this site have shown:  Today, Ocean Spray. May 16, Western Red Cedar.  May 7, Thimbleberry.


Silver-spotted Tiger Moth Lophocampa argentata (Lep.: Erebidae – Arctiinae)

Judith Spearing

May 19

2017 May 19


From Gordon Hart


Hello Butterfly Counters,

The May count runs nine days from the third Saturday, May 20, to the fourth Sunday, May 28. You can submit a count anytime over this period, and you can do more than one count, just use a separate form for each count. In the case of repeat counts, or more than one person counting an area, I will take the highest count for each species.

Please use the form at on the Victoria Natural History Society website .

The count area is the same as the Christmas Bird Count circle (attached). For butterfly identification there are numerous internet sites, but most or all Victoria species are listed on E-Fauna. If you select by photographer, all the photos under James Miskelly’s name are of Victoria species. Here is the link:,%20james&specrep=0


If you would like a suggestion for an area to count, please send me an email. The weather is finally looking much better this month, so we can hope for a good count.

In addition to the counts, a monthly butterfly walk is held on the first Sunday of each month – the next walk will be on June 4th. We start at the summit of Mount Tolmie at 1pm, and decide where to go from there. I will send out another reminder that week.

Thank-you for submitting your sightings and happy counting!


Gordon Hart

Butterfly Count Coordinator

Victoria Natural History Society


Count circle map link:





Jeff Gaskin writes:  Today, May 19, I saw my first Cedar Hairstreak of the year at the corner of Obed Avenue. and Wascana Street.  This is in the Gorge community.


Jeremy Tatum writes:  One Painted Lady near the Mount Tolmie Jeffery Pine at 4:00 pm today, but nothing on the reservoir.  Warm and sunny afternoon – but is it too late for that now?


Dar Churcher sends a photograph of a Zebra Spider with a hapless mayfly, Colwood, April 19.  And Mik Yip sends a photograph of a caddisfly from Nanoose Bay, May 17. We have had only a very few representatives from these Orders (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera) so far on this site.


Salticus scenicus (Ara.: Salticidae) and Callibaetis ferrugineus (Eph.: Baetidae)

Dar Churcher

Caddisfly Limnephilus fagus (Tri.: Limnephilidae) Mike Yip


Val George sends a photograph of his first (and Invert Alert’s) Ringlet (Large Heath) of the season, Island View Beach, May 19.


Coenonympha tullia (Lep.: Nymphalidae – Satyrinae)  Val George




May 18

2017 May 18


   The picture below was sent to the RBCM by Tara Zajac.  It is a slightly unusual colour variety of the Winter Moth


European Winter Moth Operophtera brumata (Lep.: Geometridae)

Tara Zajac

May 16

2017 May 16


   Jeremy Tatum sends photographs from his Saanich apartment of a Common Emerald moth, and a micro moth, probably Olethreutes glaciana.  The Common Emerald, like that other European moth the Large Yellow Underwing, is now a very common moth indeed in Victoria.  The micro was found as a caterpillar at Panama Flats, feeding on Snowberry.


Common Emerald Hemithea aestivaria (Lep.: Geometridae) Jeremy Tatum


Olethreutes glaciana (Lep.: Tortricidae)  Jeremy Tatum

   Annie Pang sends photographs of a caterpillar of the Silver-spotted Tiger Moth.


Silver-spotted Tiger Moth Lophocampa argentata (Lep.: Erebidae – Arctiinae)

 Annie Pang


Silver-spotted Tiger Moth Lophocampa argentata (Lep.: Erebidae – Arctiinae)

 Annie Pang



May 15

2017 May 15


   Jeremy Tatum writes:  This pretty moth turned up at my Saanich apartment this morning.  It is the same species as the one shown by Ken Vaughan on the May 7 posting – Cyclophora dataria.  Moths in this genus are sometimes called “mochas”.  Their pupae are interesting in that they are formed in just the same way as the chrysalides of pierid and papilionid butterflies – head up, the cremaster (hooks at the tail end) embedded into a silken pad, and a single silken girdle around the waist.


Cyclophora dataria (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jeremy Tatum


   Mike Yip found this wolf spider yesterday while he was working in the garden.  Robb Bennett writes:  I’m pretty sure this is a female Alopecosa. The species we get here on the coast is Alopecosa kochi.

Alopecosa kochi (Ara.: Lycosidae)  Mike Yip