2016 May 23
Jeremy Tatum writes: Sorry I didn’t manage an Invert Alert yesterday – I was curled up comfortably in bed all day. Nice to do once in a while. Although it’s morning now, this will probably be the only Invert Alert I’ll post today, but keep the observations and photos coming in. I think I have caught up as of Monday morning, but, if you think that I may have missed any of your photographs, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Rosemary Jorna took a photograph of a syrphid fly at Whiffin Spit on May 18. We thank Jeff Skevington who tells us that, although it cannot be identified for certain at species level from the photograph, it is female of the genus Syrphus.

Nick Doe sends a photograph of a Mesoleuca gratulata from Gabriola Island, May 22, which I think is a slightly late date for this species.

Jeremy Tatum sends another photograph of a Large Yellow Underwing. You can compare this one with the one posted on May 19 to see just how variable this European species is.

Annie Pang reports her first sightings for the year – and very early ones at that – of Lorquin’s Admiral at Gorge Park. May 20.
Lorquin’s Admiral Limenitis lorquini (Lep.: Nymphalidae) Annie Pang
Lorquin’s Admiral Limenitis lorquini (Lep.: Nymphalidae) Annie Pang
Lorquin’s Admiral Limenitis lorquini (Lep.: Nymphalidae) Annie Pang
And Marie O’Shaughnessy found one on Mount Tomie on May 22. Seems that Lorquin’s Admirals are back in season – a little early.
Lorquin’s Admiral Limenitis lorquini (Lep.: Nymphalidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy
On May 7, Gordon Hart found a strange-looking beetle. Thanks to Scott Gilmore for identifying it as Neoclytus conjunctus.
Neoclytus conjunctus (Col.: Cerambycidae) Gordon Hart
Scott Gilmore sends pics of three nice beetles form Upper Lantzville, May 21.

Three-banded Lady Beetle Coccinella trifasciata (Col.: Coccinellidae)
Scott Gilmore
Rosemary Jorna sends a photograph of a Cinnabar Moth, seen on Gillespie Road, May 21.

Devon Parker sends reports of some butterflies seen on May 21 and 22:
May 21
Hill with Radio Tower east of Mallard Lake, Tofino
1 Anise Swallowtail
3 Western Pale Swallowtail
1 Western Pine Elfin
1 Western Brown Elfin ovipositing on Kinickinnick
May 22
Clearcut North of Spectacle Lake, Malahat
1 Common Ringlet (aka Large Heath Coenonympha tullia)
2 Mylitta Crescent
3 Persius Duskywing
1 Western Pale Swallowtail ovipositing on Alder and Oceanspray
2 Western Brown Elfin
2 Two-Banded Grizzled Skipper
1 Cedar Hairstreak
15+ Boisduval’s Blue (blackmorei subspecies)
10+ Western Spring Azure