June 6
2015 June 6
Reminder – Monthly Butterfly walk tomorrow (Sunday). Meet at the highway pulloff at Somenos Lake north of Duncan at 1:00 pm. For further details, scroll down to the June 4 posting.
Rosemary Jorna gave us a puzzler when she sent us a photograph of a curious insect that she spotted when she was on her way to Empress Mountain on June 1. Thanks to Scott Gilmore who identified it as a jumping bristletail, a member of the little-known (little-known to me – Jeremy Tatum – that is!) Order Microcoryphia. It’s a new Order for this site.
She also sent us a picture of a young female Ladona julia (formerly Libellula julia) from Grassy Lake, June 1. Thanks to Rob Cannings for the identification.
Jeremy Tatum sends a picture of a tortricid identified by Eric LaGasa as a male
Choristoneura rosaceana. Eric has been educating me on the importance of a costal fold near the basal end of the costa on male tortricids as an aid to identification. The costal fold can be seen on this one (just!), showing that it is a male.
Scott Gilmore writes from Upper Lantzville: Here are some of the sightings I had over the (May 30-31) weekend. Thanks to V. Belov for getting the featherwing beetle to genus.
Dichelotarsus melvillei (Col.: Cantharidae)
Prothalpia holmbergi (Col.: Melandryidae) A new-to-me family called False Darkling Beetles
Thyanta pallidovirens (Hem.: Pentatomoidea). A red-shouldered stinkbug
Ptenidium (Col.: Ptilidae). Another featherwing beetle that flew past my nose in the backyard (about the only way I was going to see it!). I do not have an accurate measurement but it is a little under 1mm long.
Ptenidium sp. (Col.: Ptilidae).Scott Gilmore
Many more pics tomorrow! We still have a nice backlog!