2024 November 12
2024 November 12
No Invertebrate Alert was issued on November 11.
Jeff Gaskin writes: Today, November 12th, there was one Darner (Aeshnidae) species of dragonfly over the ponds in Cuthbert Holmes Park. I’m presuming it was probably a Paddle-tailed Darner but it could also have been a Shadow Darner. It was seen at some distance from me.
Jeremy Tatum writes: Here is the pupa made by the caterpillar shown on October 31 morning:
Great Brocade Eurois occulta (Lep.: Noctuidae) Jeremy Tatum
Ian Cooper writes: Here is an assortment of six pictures taken in *Colquitz River Park in Saanich, the #Galloping Goose Trail in View Royal, and the ^E&N Trail in Esquimalt.
#Unidentified Globular springtail (Coll.: Dicyrtomidae) Ian Cooper
# Entomobrya sp.(Entomobryomorpha – Entomobryidae)
Ian Cooper
#Grey Field Slug – Deroceras reticulatum (Pul.: Agriolimacidae) Ian Cooper
*Limax maximus (Pul.: Limacidae) Ian Cooper
^Long-jawed Orb Weaver Metellina sp. (Ara.: Tetragnathidae) Ian Cooper
#Ant (Hym.: Formicidae) Ian Cooper