2024 November 7
2024 November 7
Painted Lady !!! Jeff Gaskin writes: Today, November 7th, I actually saw the Painted Lady which has been on Christmas Hill for the past month. I’ve only seen Painted Ladies in November now just twice, and the only other time was close to 30 years ago, November 2nd. The Lady appeared at 1:10 p.m. when the sun came out and was still there when I left around 1:20 p.m.
Here are some November 7 photographs by Ian Cooper at Colquitz River Park:
Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba (Lep.: Noctuidae) Ian Cooper
Camel cricket Pristoceuthophilus celatus (Orth.: Rhaphidophoridae) Ian Cooper
Three-banded Garden Slug Ambigolimax valentianus (Pul.: Limacidae) Ian Cooper
Privet Leafhopper, Fieberiella florii (Hem.: Cicadellidae) Ian Cooper
Dr Robb Bennett writes of the spider below: :It is an erigonine linyphiid. A mature male. But I don’t think it is an Erigone species. So, best I can do is subfamily Erigoninae.”
Small spider (Ara.: Linyphiidae- Erigoniinae) Ian Cooper
Crab Spider Xysticus (probably X. cristatus) (Ara.: Thomisidae) Ian Cooper
Unidentified Nematoceran fly (Dip.: Nematocera