2024 September 30
2024 September 30
No Invertebrate Alert was issued on September 29.
Jeff Gaskin writes: On September 29, I went up Christmas Hill and found one female type Variegated Meadowhawk. There were no hilltopping butterflies up there while I was there. This was around 4:20 p.m.
Jeremy Tatum saw two Cabbage Whites along Carey Road on September 30. Will any butterflies be reported in October?
Jeremy continues: Today, September 30, I saw an October Thorn moth Tetracis jubararia along Carey Road. This is of interest to me, because I have had a pupa of T. jubararia for several months. I am wondering, since I have just seen an adult moth, will the pupa eclode in the next few days?
[ plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausum to explode, explosion
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum to eclode, eclosion ]