2024 September 28 morning
2024 September 28 morning
Marie O’Shaughnessy writes, on September 27: This afternoon I spent an hour in the sunshine at Outerbridge Park. I found
3 Autumn Meadowhawks, 2 were in tandem
9 Paddle-tailed Darners
1 Blue-eyed Darner
1 Cabbage White butterfly
Autumn Meadowhawk Sympetrum vicinum (Odo.: Libellulidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy
Paddle-tailed Darner Aeshna palmata (Odo.: Aeshnidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy
Marie O’Shaughnessy writes: I spent another hour looking for dragonflies at McIntyre Reservoir on Friday afternoon (September 27) and I saw two species flying around:
4 Paddle-tailed Darners
2 Blue-eyed Darners
Paddle-tailed Darner Aeshna palmata (Odo.: Aeshnidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy