October 11
2015 October 11
A bug and two ladybird beetles from Jeremy Tatum’s Saanich apartment yesterday and today. Thanks to Scott Gilmore for identifying the beetle as the Multicoloured Asian Ladybird Beetle. [I have heard so many English names for this Asian species that I call it the Many-named Ladybird!.]
Western Conifer Seed Bug Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hem.: Coreidae) Jeremy Tatum
Multicoloured Asian Ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Col.: Coccinellidae) Jeremy Tatum
Multicoloured Asian Ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Col.: Coccinellidae) Jeremy Tatum
Libby Avis sends some nice pictures from Port Alberni, October 7 and 8.
Ceranemota fasciata (Lep.: Drepanidae – Thyatirinae) Libby Avis
Orthosia mys (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis
Agrotis ipsilon (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis
Hemichroa crocea (Hym.: Tenthredinidae) Libby Avis
Jeremy Tatum writes: I saw a Cabbage White flying at Maber Flats today (October 11). Also there were lots of Banded Woolly Bears – and a distressing number seemed to have been stomped on – more that one would expect from random accident.
Scott Gilmore writes from Upper Lantzville: It was nice to find a Maple Spanworm (Ennomos magnaria) just outside our backdoor today. Jeremy Tatum comments: Lovely moth! I hadn’t heard the common name “Maple Spanworm” before – but apparently that is the name used in forestry circles. I wonder if the caterpillar actually eats maples? The only macro moth caterpillar I have ever found on maple is the Winter Moth. E. magnaria is usually on willow.
Maple Spanworm Ennomos magnaria (Lep.: Geometridae) Scott Gilmore