March 14
2015 March 14
Gerry and Wendy Ansell write that there was a Mourning Cloak on Thursday March 12 by the grassy area by the Swan Lake Nature House.
Barbara McGenere writes: On March 12, Mike and I saw 3 fresh male Sara Orangetips on the lower south slope of Mount Douglas. Two were seen together briefly, but mostly they were flying low, back and forth over the grassy Garry Oak slope. Also at Mount Douglas was 1 Satyr Comma in the forest, basking in the sun, low on a tree trunk. Also on March 12, there was 1 Satyr Comma along Lohbrunner Road, and 2 in Outerbridge Park. Also on March 12, was a Cabbage White in my neighbours’ garden which has many plants in flower right now.
Jeremy Tatum writes: Barbara’s sighting of a Sara Orangetip reminded me to check my pupa of one, which I have had since last year. Here’s a photo of it. The Orangetip pupae are pretty clever. When they are first formed in the spring they are green. Late in the summer and early fall, they change to a straw colour – same as that of the surrounding vegetation. Then in the winter they turn very dark – almost black – again matching the surrounding vegetation. Anyone would think they didn’t want to be seen.

Jeremy Tatum
Bill Katz writes on March 13): There was a green moth high up on the wall of the Goldstream Nature house that I’d never seen before. I’ve identified it as Feralia deceptiva. I’m attaching a shot of it taken at a distance.
Bill also sends a photo of Orthosia praeses and a snout, which he suggests is Hypena californica. Jeremy Tatum agrees that this is the most likely, but I don’t think we can rule out possibly H. decorata or H. modestoides. We need to study these snouts a bit more to see which species we get here.
Bill also writes: I saw several butterflies and a moth at Swan Lake early in the afternoon, including a small white and black moth that I suspect was Mesoleuca gratulata. I also saw my first Mourning Cloak.