This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

August 14

2018 August 14


   Thomas Barbin sends a photograph of a rather dark example of a male Neoalcis californiaria from Goldstream campground, August 6.


Neoalcis californiaria (Lep.: Geometridae)  Thomas Barbin



   Jochen Möhr sends some photographs of moths from his Metchosin home last night.  In addition to these he had no fewer than 12 (!) Tolype distincta there.


Lacinipolia strigicollis (Lep.: Noctuidae)  Jochen Möhr


Lacinipolia pensilis (Lep.: Noctuidae)  Jochen Möhr


Drepanulatrix monicaria (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jochen Möhr


Panthea virginarius (Lep.: Noctuidae)  Jochen Möhr

August 13

2018 August 13


    Last month Jochen Möhr subnitted some pictures of a spider from his home in Metchosin.  Dr Robb Bennett writes:  These are nice images. It would be nice if there were some indication of the size of the spiders.   However I’m pretty sure they are Parasteatoda tepidariorum. A cosmopolitan house spider – I usually see them under window sills or eaves where they have their retreats. Their prey capture webs are long sticky silk strands that extend down to the ground. They are quite efficient – I have seen lots of giant house spiders and big beetles in their webs and have heard reports of them even capturing European Wall Lizards.  


   Jeremy Tatum adds:  According to Web entries they can also inflict a fairly severe bite.  One site says severe pain for 16 hours.   I don’t know if this happens very often, but I thought I should mention it so that viewers can be suitably circumspect if they come across this spider.



American House Spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Ara.: Theridiidae)  Jochen Möhr




American House Spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Ara.: Theridiidae)  Jochen Möhr


   Bryan Gates sends a photograph of Amblyptilia pica from Oak Bay, August 13.


Amblyptilia pica (Lep.: Pterophoridae)  Bryan Gates

August 12 morning

2018 August 12 morning


   No one saw any invertebrates yesterday.


   But last night, Jochen Möhr saw the following nice moths at his home in Metchosin.   Thanks to Libby Avis for help with the identifications.


Enypia venata (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jochen Möhr


Lacinipolia pensilis (Lep.: Noctuidae)  Jochen Möhr


Neoalcis californiaria (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jochen Möhr


Oligia divesta (Lep.: Noctuidae)  Jochen Möhr


Reminder:  Perseid meteor shower tonight.

August 10

2018 August 10


  Mike Yip writes from Nanoose Bay:  Scores of Woodland Skippers in the garden with the occasional Pine White and Cabbage White.   A few Common Woodnymphs flying by but no nectaring or basking.

Woodland Skipper Ochlodes sylvanoides (Lep.: Hesperiidae) Mike Yip

Male Woodland Skipper Ochlodes sylvanoides (Lep.: Hesperiidae) Mike Yip


   A rare full upperside view, showing that the Branded Skipper is by no means the only skipper whose male is conspicuously “branded” with androconial scales, which release male hormones to advertise his presence.

Pine White Neophasia menapia (Lep.: Pieridae)  Mike Yip


   Jeremy Tatum shows a White-lined Hawk Moth, which came from the caterpillar shown on July 15 and the pupa shown on July 25.  The caterpillar was found at McIntyre reservoir, which is where I released the moth today.  Larval foodplant – Epilobium.


White-lined Hawk Moth Hyles lineata (Lep.:  Sphingidae)  Jeremy Tatum


August 9 evening

August 9 evening


   On July 2 morning, we posted a photograph of a syrphid fly, but I didn’t know who the photographer was.  Will anyone admit to photographing  it?  In any case I’m happy to say that we now have an identification for the fly if not for the photographer.  Thanks to Michelle Locke for identifying it as Dasysyrphus intrudens, which she describes as “a complex of species, yet to be sorted out”.

   Jeremy Tatum shows a photograph of a female caterpillar of the Vapourer Moth (also known as the Rusty Tussock Moth) from English Hawthorn at Quick’s Bottom.

Vapourer (Rusty Tussock) Orgyia antiqua (Lep.: Erebidae – Lymantriidae) Jeremy Tatum