2023 October 15
2023 October 15
Although this has been a good year for West Coast Lady, we haven’t yet received any reports this year for American Lady. I say “yet” because there is still time. However, one turned up yesterday in the Scilly Islands, off the SW coast of England.
Jochen Möhr found six different moth species at his Metchosin home this morning. We thank Libby Avis for her great help with the identifications. The first one is a Tetracis pallulata or T. jubararia. Libby cautions us to be wary against too confident identification of these two species. For what it’s worth, Jeremy Tatum thinks that, for the heavily speckled and fairly dark specimen below, pallulata may be more likely than jubararia – but this is by no means certain.
Tetracis pallulata /jubararia (Lep.: Geometridae) Jochen Möhr
Autumnal Moth Epirrita autumnata (Lep.: Geometridae) Jochen Möhr
Acleris rhombana (Lep.: Tortricidae) Jochen Möhr
Udea profundalis (Lep.: Crambidae) Jochen Möhr
Juniper Carpet Thera juniperata (Lep.: Geometridae) Jochen Möhr
Xanthorhoe defensaria (Lep.: Geometridae) Jochen Möhr
Jochen also sends an earlier and hitherto unlabelled photograph from his files – now identified as Brown House Moth.
Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Lep.: Oecophoridae) Jochen Möhr