This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

March 16

2015 March 16


            Rosemary Jorna sends a photograph of Emmelina monodactyla from Kemp Lake Road, March 15.


Emmelina monodactyla (Lep.: Pterophoridae)  Rosemary Jorna


         Bill Katz sends a photo of a micro moth from Goldstream, March 13, and we are grateful to Eric LaGasa for identifying it as Acleris sp., and probably an unusually early Acleris britannia or Acleris schalleriana.


Probably Acleris britannia/schalleriana (Lep.: Tortricidae)  Bill Katz



   Jeremy Gatten writes:  I just returned from three and a half weeks in Colombia and I’ve had the lights on to enjoy the action that the warm weather has brought.  I have had the following species (although not 100% on the Xanthorhoe and Venusia):


Hydriomena nubilofasciata

Eupithecia ravocostaliata

Eupithecia graefii

Eupithecia olivacea

Eupithecia gilvipennata

Venusia pearsalli

Xanthorhoe defensaria

Hydriomena manzanita

Emmelina monodactyla

Agonopterix alstroemeriana

Orthosia praeses

Orthosia hibisci

Orthosia transparens

Egira crucialis

Egira rubrica

Cerastis enigmatica

Autographa californica

Lithophane innominata

Hypena californica

Nola minna

   He continues: I have pictures of most things, but won’t be back until Wednesday evening. Which species would be most entertaining for you to see?


   Jeremy Tatum responds:   My!   What a choice!    How can I possibly answer that one?  I can’t think of any I wouldn’t want.  So – Viewers of this site – please send your preferences to me  (jtatum at and I’ll pass them on to Jeremy Gatten.  In the meantime, I, too, have difficulty with Venusia and Xanthorhoe.  I also have difficulty with E. olivacea/annulata so it would be nice to see olivacea if Jeremy G. is 100 percent sure.  I can’t remember if E. rubrica has appeared on this site before; I think it probably has, but very rarely.  Hypena is another difficult one, and it would be nice to see a certain ID. Otherwise send ’em all, perhaps at a rate of three per day!


   We have heard from Scott Gilmore in Upper Lantzville, who earlier sent us pictures of a caterpillar and pupae from Ceanothus, and which we suspected were Drepanulatrix.  One of the moths has now emerged, and it is indeed Drepanulatrix – but the question is – which one?  Both Scott and I (Jeremy T) believe it is D. monicaria– the only problem with that being that the species is apparently not on the Canadian list.  So this is very exciting!  


Drepanulatrix sp. (probably monicaria) (Lep.: Geometridae)  Scott Gilmore



   Scott also writes:  Other interesting sightings have been finding some interesting beetles under bark of rotting birch and Douglas Fir in the forest above my house.  These include:


Clinidium calcaratum, the only member of the Rhysodidae (wrinkled bark beetles) found in BC.

Rhyncolus brunneus,

an Ambrosia beetle, perhaps from the genus Xyleborus

My son found an Ironclad beetle, Phellopsis porcata. Family Zopheridae


At my backdoor I found the introduced ant mimic Rugilus orbiculatus (a staphylinid) and nearby was a Plate-thigh beetle (Nycteus infumatus) which has the ability to “jump” (picture family Eucinetidae).


Clinidium calcaratum (Col.: Rhysodidae) Scott Gilmore




Rhyncolus brunneus (Col.: Curculionidae) Scott Gilmore


Ambrosia beetle. Perhaps Xyleborus sp. (Col.: Curculionidae) Scott Gilmore



Phellopsis porcata  (Col.:  Zopheridae) Scott Gilmore



Rugilus orbiculatus (Col.: Staphylinidae) Scott Gilmore

Nycteus infumatus
(Col.: Eucinetidae) Scott Gilmore