This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

2024 September 18

2024 September 18

   Wendy Ansell writes: There was a nice fresh Lorquin’s Admiral at Rithet’s Bog at 4:00 this afternoon.  It was on the east side (NE?) sunning itself.

Marie O’Shaughnessy sends the following from the Qualicum Beach area, Sunday September 15.

I was surprised to find 3 species of red dragonflies in one location.
Most appeared to be Striped Meadowhawks
2 were Cardinal Meadowhawks
8 were Autumn Meadowhawks

Others were
1  blue male Western Pondhawk
2 Common Green Darners
4 Blue-eyed Darners
1 Canada Darner
2 Paddle-tailed Darner

 Cardinal Meadowhawks  Sympetrum illotum  (Odo.: Libellulidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy


 Autumn Meadowhawk  Sympetrum vicinum  (Odo.: Libellulidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy


Striped Meadowhawk  Sympetrum pallipes  (Odo.: Libellulidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy


Blue-eyed Darner Rhionaeschna multicolor  (Odo.: Aeshnidae)  Marie O’Shaughnessy

  Canada Darner Aeshna canadensis  ( Odo.: Aeshnidae)  Marie O’Shaughnessy


Canada Darner Aeshna canadensis  ( Odo.: Aeshnidae)  Marie O’Shaughnessy


Aziza Cooper writes:  Today, September 18, this dragonfly was at the ditch beside Island View Nursery in the Martindale valley.


Paddle-tailed Darner Aeshna palmata  (Odo.: Aeshnidae)  Aziza Cooper




2024 September 17 morning

2024 September 17 morning

   Val George writes:  Yesterday, September 16, this moth, Xanthorhoe defensaria, was on the wall of the Nature House at Goldstream Park.

Xanthorhoe defensaria 
(Lep.: Geometridae)  Val George

2024 September 16

2024 September 16

  Jeff Gaskin writes:  Only one butterfly of note to tell you about.  Today, September 16, there was one well worn-out Woodland Skipper at Swan Lake.

Jeremy Tatum writes:  The last Woodland Skipper – indeed the last non-Cabbage-White butterfly – to be reported was on Sepetember 6.  There are stiil a few Cabbage Whites to be seen flying around.

Jeff continues:  Dragonflies at Swan Lake included 1 or 2 Blue-eyed Darners, and 2 Blue Dashers.

Aziza Cooper writes:   Today, September 16, this Variegated Meadowhawk was at the Beechey Head hawk lookout.

Variegated Meadowhawk Sympetrum corruptum  (Odo.: Libellulidae)  Aziza Cooper


2024 September 15 evening

2024 September 15 evening

Only one small contribution this evening – a small geometrid caterpillar whose identity I (Jeremy Tatum) don’t yet know.  In case you are wondering if the plant it is on is grass, no it’s not grass – it’s Knotgrass.

Geometrid caterpillar  (Lep.: Geometridae) Jeremy Tatum



2024 September 15 morning

2024 September 15 morning

   Aziza Cooper photographed this Striped Meadowhawk at Swan Lake, September 13.

Striped Meadowhawk Sympetrum pallipes  (Odo.: Libellulidae) Aziza Cooper


   Marie O’Shaughnessy writes:  A quick visit to McIntyre Reservoir on September 14 revealed a few  creatures despite that the area had been really scalped along two sides.  A sunny afternoon brought out the butterflies and dragonflies as well as me.

At Island View Beach, I found 5 Cabbage Whites near the first parking area, and 2 Paddletailed Darners along the back ditch.
3 Cabbage White butterflies were busy nectaring at McIntyre Reservoir.  Also, the dragonflies seen were
2 Blue-eyed Darners
2 Blue Dasher
1 Tule Bluet

 Male Cabbage White  Pieris rapae  (Lep.: Pieridae)  Marie O’Shaughnessy

Blue-eyed Darner Rhionaeschna multicolor  (Odo.: Aeshnidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy

Tule Bluet  Enallagma carunculatum  (Odo.: Coenagrionidae)  Marie O’Shaughnessy


   On September 14 Marie saw the following at Outerbridge Park:

1 Cardinal Meadowhawk
2 Striped Medowhark
2 Paddle-tailed Darner

 Autumn Meadowhawk Sympetrum vicinum (Odo.: Libellulidae)  Marie O’Shaughnessy


Striped Meadowhawk Sympetrum pallipes  (Odo.: Libellulidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy


Striped Meadowhawk Sympetrum pallipes  (Odo.: Libellulidae) Marie O’Shaughnessy


We are most grateful to Dr Rob Cannings for identifying some of the tricky ones in this batch.