2015 September 28
Jeff Gaskin writes: Today around noon, September 27, there was a Mourning Cloak and 2 Cabbage Whites along Vincent Avenue near Tillicum Road This again is in the Gorge neighbourhood.
Devon Parker writes: I found four native butterfly species today, September 27, near/at Nitnat. 1 Mourning Cloak at the gate of the Nitnat Fish Hatchery. 1 Red Admiral at the north end of Nitnat Lake by the fish pens. 1 Mourning Cloak next to the bridge on the way to the fish hatchery. 1 Grey Hairstreak at the intersection of the Carmanah turn off and Nitnat Main.
Val George writes: On September 26, I was with a BC Field Ornithologist group at the hawk watch in East Sooke when a (rather latish) Pine White butterfly flew through the tree canopy.
Jeremy Tatum writes. I’ve had to be content with Cabbage Whites in the last few days.
There are still quite a few around – especially in the cabbage and kale patches near McIntyre Pond, Central Saanich.
Rosemary Jorna sends photographs of a fly and a ladybird beetle from Kemp Lake, September 28.
Hover fly (Dip.: Syrphidae) Rosemary Jorna
Seven-spotted Ladybird Coccinella septempuncata (Col.: Coccinellidae) Rosemary Jorna