2016 May 11
Annie Pang asks if anyone can identify this bee, please? Me, too – Jeremy
Bee for identification (Hymenoptera) Annie Pang

Devon Parker sends some recent observations and photographs.
May 7
Mount Brenton, Chemainus
1 Spring Azure
2 Mourning Cloaks (one high elevation and one low elevation.)
1 Western Pine Elfin
3 Silvery Blue
May 10
West Coast Rd (Sooke to French Creek)
1 Western Tiger Swallowtail
5 Pale Tiger Swallowtail
Upper Jordan River (Eastside)
1 Two-banded Grizzled Skipper (Deposited eggs on underside of Trailing Blackberry)
[This is a very interesting observation! Jeremy Tatum]
7 Western Brown Elfin
1 Cedar Hairstreak
1 Grey Hairstreak
San Juan Ridge, Jordan River
1 Field Crescent (Huge Specimen. 2-inch wingspan.)
3 Western Pine Elfin
1 Western Brown Elfin
2 Silvery Blue
1 Two-banded Grizzled Skipper

Two-banded Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus ruralis (Lep.: Hesperiidae) Devon Parker
Female Mylitta Crescent Phyciodes mylitta ( Lep.: Nymphalidae) Devon Parker
Johnson’s Hairstreak Loranthomitoura johnsoni (Lep.: Lycaenidae) Devon Parker
Western Brown Elfin Incisalia iroides (Lep.: Lycaenidae) Devon Parker
Western Pine Elfin Incisalia eryphon (Lep.: Lycaenidae) Devon Parker