2018 January 16
Our viewers are certainly doing their best to keep this site open during the bleak midwinter! First, a photograph of another overwintering noctuid moth, Lithophane baileyi, from Jochen Moehr in Metchosin. The last entry in this site for this species was on October 29.
Lithophane baileyi (Lep.: Noctuidae) Jochen Moehr
Next, a remarkable series of tiny springtails, and a tiny snail, from Thomas Barbin in and around his Highlands garden. Springtails used to be the Order Collembola, but apparently Collembola is now promoted to Subclass, containing several Orders. I am trying to keep consistent and up-to-date on this site and in its Index! In the title under each photograph I generally print the genus and species in italics. Then, in parentheses, the Order – usually abbreviated to three letters, but written in full for the springtails – and the Family (-idae).
Hymenaphorura cocklei (Poduromorpha: Onychiuridae) Thomas Barbin
Left: Ptenothrix sp. (Symphypleona: Dicyrtomidae)
Right: Sminthurinus elegans (Symphypleona: Katiannidae)
Thomas Barbin
Vesicephalus occidentalis (Symphypleona: Katiannidae) Thomas Barbin
Vesicephalus occidentalis (Symphypleona: Katiannidae) Thomas Barbin
And even as I am processing the pictures above, in comes another one – this time an unknown noctuid or erebid caterpillar found on Sidney Island Spit by Ian Cruickshank.
Unknown caterpillar (Lep.: Noctuidae or Erebidae) Ian Cruickshank
Unknown caterpillar (Lep.: Noctuidae or Erebidae) Ian Cruickshank